Sunday, June 1, 2008

Garden of the Gods

Wowie! We have lived in good ol' Colorado for almost 6 years. The time has zipped by so fast, that I can hardly believe it has been that long! The first year we were here we went to Garden of the Gods. I can't believe we haven't back until tonight. It is great! It is beautiful. The kids loved it! So many big rock formations to climb on and the trails around the formations are awesome. We saw lots of blue jays, and rock climbers. It was great. We packed up some PB&J's and PB&H's, watermelon and gogurts. (A dinner for champions I tell ya!) We went with some of our favorite people, Todd, Kat and their cutie girls. Just another reminder of why we love living so close to them.
Ellie loved being free in the outdoors to run, skip, jump, sing, climb and dance. She even tried to get into a few pictures with another family of strangers. So after that she performed for them with her song and dance. She got to pet many dogs and just enjoyed life. I wish I had her zest of life and energy. Carter loved climbing and he wanted to pose for lots of pictures and I was happy to oblige. Kennedi loved being with her girly cousins and they had fun hiking around and being brave to climb. Brayden liked eating and climbing. That boy must be growing because his appetite sure has! But he is as skinny as ever. The kids weren't ready to leave but they have school tomorrow and it takes an hour to get home. The temperature was wonderful and it was great to enjoy the beauties of nature. I hope to go back soon!


Karen said...

Wow! It's beautiful. My kids would love climbing all over those rocks. I didn't realize that you've been in Colorado that long. Think you'll ever move back to Utah?

Katie L. said...

love the last one of Ellie Bellie, with her cute little hip popped. Why is it so funny when little girls do that?