Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Reflections

Here are some thoughts I had rolling around in my head at church today.

  • What am I doing with my own testimony to teach my children by my example?
  • It's not enough to not participate in something we don't agree with, we need to voice our standards and expectations.

I am clearly not making my testimony grow as quickly and deeply that it needs too. I need to work harder and become the kind of example my children need me to be. They are growing up so fast, my time will be gone before I know it. It takes work and I need to remember to work at it and not just hope it happens. I have been so blessed to grow up with the Gospel in my life and it is time to show gratitude for what I have been given by increasing my testimony.

A little video of my sweetie, Ellie.

This is all worth it...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love your deep thoughts and your daughter is so cute!!! You are right...those little moments make being a full time mother so worth it. You're awesome Shanna.