Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lost: Tooth Fairy Magic

Kennedi my eight year old came to me last night to ask a question. She asked, "Mom, are you the one that puts the money under my pillow for my tooth?" I asked, "What do you think?" She thought a second and said, "I think it is you." So since she is 8 and she wanted to really know I told her , "well there you go!"

Well a few minutes passed and I saw her looking very sad. She said in her depressed voice, "I wish I would have never asked! Now it isn't fun anymore!" I am not surprised about her response at all. The magic is gone. No fun! She asked me, "why did you tell me?" And she cried. But that isn't a surprising reaction, she is my dramatic girly. So I tried to make her feel better and told her the next time Carter (who is 6) loses a tooth I would let her help me join the fun. She seemed to like that idea. She also came up with an idea that to make it fun for her, maybe I could surprise her and give her a little gift instead of money in exchange for her tooth. I think I like that idea too.

Now, she better not clue in on Santa! I am not ready to let that one go!

Poor girl, it isn't fun to grow up.

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