Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Love Corn on the Cob

I do, I admit it, I love corn on the cob. We got the first batch of yummy buttery goodness when we stopped through at my parents house. The corn is still a little early but it was oh so yummy! So now when we got home I tried some fresh corn from the store. It was yummy but not the same as fresh from the garden. I loved Ellie's reaction to it. "Mmmm, delicious!"
A few summers ago we tried to grow corn. It was ummmm, interesting. Our soil is still kind of lame and the corn grew pretty small, but there was cobs on it. We were excited to eat our own grown corn, but one morning I went out to check the garden. The corn stalks were all smashed to the ground. At first I was mad at the kids thinking they had wrecked the garden. But upon further investigation I noticed the cobs had been ripped off the stalks, opened and eaten. What the heck! They weren't even ready. We finally decided that rascally raccoons had gotten into the garden. Dang rodent raccoons! The next year the raccoons didn't get to our corn but we probably only got like 4 cobs to eat on our small stalks, and you know what? They were delicious! I was too lazy this year to plant. But I think I will have to try again next year. Hopefully those varmints are gone for good.
And that is my ode to corn on the cob. The end.

1 comment:

Christie said...

NOTHING beats fresh corn on the cob. Yum.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm looking it up on B&N as we speak...