Thursday, December 17, 2009
Excerpts from Ellie's Prayer Tonight
"Please help me not to punch Kennedi in the gut"
"Please help Brayden not to be mad at Mom sometime"
She keeps me smiling when I am not busy growling about her.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th really does bring bad luck...
Hard to explain, but I was trying to get yard work done and I got in a fight with my garbage can. Seriously. I have one of those huge garbage cans on wheels and I was pulling it with the lid open and it started to fall over and it brought me down with it and I banged my forehead and chin on it. So I split open my head and chin (both to the bone, gross). So basically really stupid and it is Friday the 13th's fault. It hurt quite a bit but they gave me some pain killers. It was such a dumb thing! I was bleeding so much that Taft had Brayden call 911 so I got to go on an ambulance to the hospital. Taft was really great about getting some stuff to try to stop the bleeding and taking care of me. I am so glad he was home! We could have driven to the hospital, but by the time it was more under control the paramedics (and the fire truck and two police cars, hello! Why do they send so many people, it is lame) were already there, so what do you do? I am okay. I just hope my face isn’t crazy looking for too long. Kennedi can barely stand to look at me.
Here are the scary pictures... Don't look carefully if you faint easily.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Goodbye School Year 2008-2009
First Day of School- July 2008
Last Day of School- June 22, 2009
End of 2nd Grade Carter had a good 2nd grad year with his teacher Mrs. Huston. He became a champ at getting right down to homework after school and taking charge. I am afraid that he got a little more busy at school this year though. :) He continued playing Flag Football and started Basketball this year.
Favorite Subject- Math
Best Friend- Dylan
Funnest thing you did or learned this year- Living Biographies (He studied and dressed up as Benjamin Franklin)
What you want to be when you grow up- Policeman
Favorite Food- Pizza
Favorite School Lunch- Pizza
Kennedi- Beginning of 3rd Grade
Kennedi grew up a lot this year with Miss Charlton. She got way more picky about her clothing (man we are in trouble when she is a teenager). She is still doing awesome in piano and now knows cursive. Great year!
Favorite Subject- Writing
Best Friend- Jayne
Funnest thing you did or learned this year- Multiplication Sundaes
What you want to be when you grow up- Newborn baby nurse
Favorite Food- Oriental Chicken
Favorite School Lunch- Orange Chicken
Brayden- Beginning of 6th Grade
End of 6th Grade
Wow, wow and wow. I can't believe this was his last year in Elementary School. Where did the time go? Mrs. McCullar was his favorite teacher ever and she was great to expect lots and make him grow. He finally figured out that his long hair wasn't the best look for him. :) It took a long time to figure that one out. He started tennis and loves it. He has grown up so much and I haven't grown up enough to have him start Middle School.
Favorite Subject- Math (He will be starting 2 grade levels ahead in Middle School)
Best Friend- Corey & Nick
Funnest thing you did or learned this year- Camp Cheley
What you want to be when you grow up- Pilot or professional sports player
Favorite Food- Crispy Chicken
Favorite School Lunch- Chicken filet sandwich
Here's hoping for another great school year!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Being a Mom
You get to think about the wonderful Mom that you have. Oh how I love my Mom. Today I told the Primary kids that I want to be like my Mom when I grow up. And I do wish I was like her. I love that she loves me too. :)
You also get to think of your other Mom. And wish you were like her too. I am grateful to her for raising her son that would be my husband. And grateful that she loves me like her own. Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Days of April
The kids watched all the sessions! How sweet.
We fed the missionaries and they fed us spiritually.
We met the Helm's and had a fabulous dinner!
(I wish we would have gotten a picture of the whole family!_
The kids played outside.
I went to Women's Conference for the first time.
I loved it.
Took the kids swimming. Nice goggles!
Went to the "dollar" movies.
Kennedi finished gymnastics...for now.
The fam went to Ellie's preschool art show.
It was fabulous!
Took ALL 4 kids to the dentist. No cavities! Yeehaw!
It snowed, and snowed and snowed more. But luckily
it melted just as fast!
Played and painted at Little Monkey Bizness.
Grandma came to visit!
Played with grandma and the cousins.
Dressed up for Easter.
The Hales came and we played and had fun.
Bonded with cousins at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
Goodbye April, nice knowing you!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Brayden came up with the grand idea of recording his piano practicing with his MP3 player and played it back on some speakers. I was upstairs and really did think it was him practicing. :)
We got home after school and I was complaining that it felt cold in the house. Later I went to turn the temperature up and noticed someone had lowered the heat! Brayden!!! He thinks he is so funny.
Then Mother Nature decided to fool us and start hailing, thundering and snowing. Ummm, no, I don't think so!
My favorite part of April Fool's Day is our family dinner. It is a tradition that was started when I was a kid.(Thanks Mom!) Every year everyone in the family gets to pick one thing for dinner. They secretly tell me what their choice is and I do the rest. The kids absolutely love it and it is fun to see what kind of meal we come up with. To make it more exciting, we eat with weird utensils. We eat off cutting boards, lids, or pans. We drink out of jars, measuring cups, etc. We eat with spatulas, ice cream scoopers, tongs and whatever else we can find. Then to top it off we wear funny hats.
This years menu was:
Taft- Chicken and pineapple skewers (too bad we couldn't grill the chicken on the BBQ grill!)
Me- Deviled eggs
Brayden- Chocolate cake
Kennedi- Peach Cobbler
Carter- Bagel Bites
Ellie- veggies and cherry limeade (okay, so I picked for her because she just couldn't wrap her brain around the idea and I thought we needed something healthy on the side)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Apples & Oranges
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
H is for Hair
Brayden's long hair had grown on me some, but I have been waiting a long time for him to get it cut. I love it. I should have sent the camera with Taft to show how much hair was on the floor. TONS! Ahhhh, it looks so nice! Yippee!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Little Bit Sweeter
And many more....