June 6, 2009
- Carter's Baptism=more family around! Yippee!
- My first (and only so far) Sprint Triathlon
I love that Carter got baptized the day after his birthday. What a great weekend. Things were busy but wonderful. We loved having Grandma Babbitt, Grandma & Grandpa Pugsley, Patrea, Chad and the kiddos, Todd, Kat and their kiddos here to be part of the fun.
The sweetest part of the whole baptism was after Carter was baptized and dressed and sitting back in the chair, he looked up to Taft and with a sweet look and voice said, "Dad, thank you for baptizing me." It just about melted my heart. It still does. He was grateful and it was so sweet to hear it from him.
It was also Abby Lovejoy's baptism day in our ward. I had to get a picture of them together in case they get married someday. She is a cutie.
Earlier that morning was my long awaited HRCA Tune Up Sprint Triathlon. It had been a long 6 months of training. I have never been a "real" swimmer, so I had to basically just jump in and learn how to properly swim. I don't know what I do is really the proper way to swim but I was actually putting my face in the water and breathing to the side. I was happy that I made myself grow and learn something new. I knew how to ride a bike but hadn't spent much time as an adult on a bike so I started going to spinning classes (seeing as it was winter during training) and getting stronger. Running was my thing I felt really comfortable in. I started running 3 miles regularly back in 2006 so I could feel confident in that at least! I pretty much trained by myself but was happy to know that Kat and other ladies from the ward were training too.
So in the early morning of the 6th after not much sleep (too nervous!), it was time to get this done! I was ready to actually get it over with so I could stop thinking about it. Ha! I managed to do it and it was great! I felt so happy to have accomplished it.
Self Portrait before the race
Getting Ready
At the beginning with the swim I didn't know if I was going to be able to finish. I was panicking and breathing so fast that when I put my face in the water I would suck in water. I felt like I was drowning and I had to basically doggie paddle to the side of the pool. I was freaked out. After all that training I was feeling like I might have to just stop. You can't doggie paddle 20 laps with 3 other people in the lane with you. I calmed myself at the side of the pool and strangers on the side were trying to calm me down too. I finally gained some composure and went for it. It took a couple of laps but I got to a point where I thought I could do it. I was never so happy and when I got to my last lap! I had practiced and had gotten my swim down to around 10 minutes and 30 seconds but during the tri I got 14:23. I was disappointed but just dang happy that I actually got to go and finish.
The biking portion was good and spread out. It was nice a nice 12 mile course after jamming us in the pool with lots of people. I was wasn't use to swimming with waves, but with all those bodies, trust me, there were waves. Anyway, the worst part of the biking was when I passed an old man (who wasn't even in the tri). He didn't know I was coming and all of the sudden he put up his finger to one side of his nose and blew out his snot on me. SICK! I was thinking, "ooh ooh, I just got snotted on!) I got over it and finished. The best part was being able to bike past our neighborhood and having Taft, Patrea, Chad, Brayden, Kennedi, Carter, Ellie, Jace, Callie and Rhett yelling and cheering me on. I loved it! My bike time was 52:45 and I was happy with that time since I was on a heavy mountain bike.
Waving at the fans (aka family)
Man oh man, did I ever have heavy legs when I got off the bike to go for the 5k run. But I wanted be strong. After a little tripping/shuffling I got my legs under control. It was fun to see other friends out on the course and encouraging each other and getting that extra energy from them. 27:07 time with 8:45 run pace was awesome.
Kristy, Erika, Dina, Kat, Me, Laurel, Keri
Love that Kat!
Total Time 1:37:25
What a great feeling! I am hoping to do another one next summer. And I hope to get that swim mastered!
I am so major impressed with you!!
I'm so glad you are back!! I've missed your posts, and as usual I loved this one. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you!
Holy buckets...SO PROUD of you!! You and Kat are my inspiration!
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