Hard to explain, but I was trying to get yard work done and I got in a fight with my garbage can. Seriously. I have one of those huge garbage cans on wheels and I was pulling it with the lid open and it started to fall over and it brought me down with it and I banged my forehead and chin on it. So I split open my head and chin (both to the bone, gross). So basically really stupid and it is Friday the 13th's fault. It hurt quite a bit but they gave me some pain killers. It was such a dumb thing! I was bleeding so much that Taft had Brayden call 911 so I got to go on an ambulance to the hospital. Taft was really great about getting some stuff to try to stop the bleeding and taking care of me. I am so glad he was home! We could have driven to the hospital, but by the time it was more under control the paramedics (and the fire truck and two police cars, hello! Why do they send so many people, it is lame) were already there, so what do you do? I am okay. I just hope my face isn’t crazy looking for too long. Kennedi can barely stand to look at me.
Here are the scary pictures... Don't look carefully if you faint easily.